A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding 8140 Cybersecurity Requirements
The Department of Defense (DoD) has issued a series of directives to ensure the safety and security of its cyberspace operations. The DoD 8140 directives establish guidelines for the DoD Cyberspace Workforce Framework (DCWF). Additionally, they provide guidance on qualification requirements for personnel identified as members of the DoD cyberspace workforce. This guide is designed to help readers understand these cybersecurity requirements and how they apply to the federal workspace.
Overview of DoD 8140 Cybersecurity Requirements
The 8140 standard embodies the Department of Defense’s (DoD) cybersecurity requirements. It is comprised of three directives – DoD 8140.01, DoD 8140.02 and DoD 8140.03. These directives set out the policy and procedures for identification, tracking, data collection, reporting and qualification requirements of personnel in the DoD cyberspace workforce. DoD 8140 is intended to ensure that all members of the DoD cyberspace workforce are suitably qualified and have a common understanding of security standards. Furthermore, it will ensure that all members of the cyberspace workforce possess an appropriate level of knowledge and understanding of current security standards and best practices.
The DoD Cyberspace Workforce Framework (DCWF)
The DCWF is a reference framework for the identification, tracking, and reporting of DoD cyberspace positions. It serves as a foundation for developing baseline cyberspace workforce qualifications. The framework unifies the overall cyberspace workforce and establishes specific workforce elements (e.g., information technology (IT), cybersecurity, cyberspace effects, intelligence, and enablers) to align and manage the cyberspace workforce under the DoD Cybersecurity Workforce Management Board (CWMB).
The DCWF provides a comprehensive description of the DoD cyberspace workforce, including positions and their related qualifications. It is a tool used to identify and track work roles, develop qualification standards and curricula for each role, assign personnel to those roles, and assess their performance in meeting the required qualifications. The framework is organized into three levels, with each level containing additional sub-levels: function, work role category, and work role. Each level provides an increasing level of detail about the qualifications, knowledge, and skills required of personnel in a particular cyberspace position. The DCWF also includes detailed guidance on the qualification process for personnel assigned to cyberspace roles, as described in DoD Instruction (DoDI) 8140.02.

DoD Directive 8140.01 – Establishes the CWMB and DCWF
DoD 8140.01 provides policy and assigns responsibilities for establishing the DoD Cyberspace Workforce Management Board (CWMB). The CWMB is responsible for providing oversight of the DoD’s cyberspace workforce, including developing and maintaining the DCWF. The CWMB works with the DoD Chief Information Officer (CIO) and other appropriate senior officials across the Department to ensure that all personnel assigned to cyberspace positions possess the appropriate qualifications for their roles.
In addition, DoD 8140.01 also assigns responsibilities for establishing and maintaining the DoD Cyberspace Workforce Framework (DCWF). Specific responsibilities include developing, coordinating, and approving workforce qualifications, authorizing approved personnel to serve in certain work roles, and ensuring that annual assessments are conducted of personnel serving in identified cyberspace positions.
DoD Instruction 8140.02 – Establishes Cybersecurity Qualification Standards
DoD 8140.02 establishes the qualifications, knowledge and skills that personnel must possess in order to serve in certain cyberspace positions. Qualifications are based on the position type (e.g., IT, cybersecurity, etc.) as well as the level of responsibility associated with each role. The directive also assigns responsibilities for developing, maintaining, and updating cybersecurity qualification standards to ensure they remain current with the dynamic cyberspace environment.
DoD 8140.02 outlines the qualifications that personnel assigned to DoD cyberspace roles must possess in order to be certified. This includes a combination of experience, education, and training requirements that are specific to each work role. In addition, the directive provides guidance on the assessment and certification process.
Finally, DoD 8140.02 also outlines reporting requirements for personnel assigned to cyberspace roles. This includes both current qualifications as well as any changes in status that occur throughout the year. This reporting enables the DoD to track personnel qualifications and ensure that personnel possess the appropriate qualifications for their roles.
DoD Manual 8140.03 – Establishes Cybersecurity Certification and Reporting Requirements
DoD 8140.03 provides guidance for the implementation of DoDI 8140.02, which outlines the qualifications personnel must possess in order to serve in certain cyberspace positions. Specifically, this directive assigns responsibilities for establishing certification requirements and processes for personnel assigned to cyberspace roles. It also outlines the steps for assessing and certifying personnel for their roles, as well as reporting requirements for tracking personnel qualifications.
The directive also assigns responsibilities for establishing training requirements to ensure that personnel possess the necessary knowledge and skills. Appropriate training is required in order to maintain certification, and all personnel must participate in at least one training event each year. In addition, the directive outlines requirements for tracking and reporting on personnel certifications and training events.
Finally, DoD 8140.03 also assigns responsibilities for regularly evaluating the effectiveness of certification processes and making changes or improvements as needed. This includes assessing whether personnel possess the appropriate qualifications to serve in their roles, as well as verifying that personnel have completed any necessary training.
These processes are designed to ensure that personnel assigned to DoD cyberspace roles possess the appropriate qualifications for their work. This helps to ensure the Department’s mission success by ensuring personnel are properly qualified and up-to-date on the latest cybersecurity trends and best practices.
In conclusion, it is clear that DoD Directive 8140.01, Instruction 8140.02 and Instruction 8140.03 are all important documents in the Department of Defense’s efforts to ensure personnel assigned to cyberspace roles possess the appropriate qualifications for their work. These directives provide guidance on assessment and certification requirements as well as reporting processes to track personnel qualifications throughout the year. Additionally, they assign responsibilities for developing training requirements and regularly evaluating certification processes so that changes can be made when needed. By leveraging these documents, DoD will have a better chance of ensuring its mission success by having qualified personnel who are up-to-date with the latest cybersecurity trends and best practices.