Challenge Content
Aries Security has over a decade of experience creating custom content and is known for creating the most sophisticated challenges in the world. Whether we’re building for an enterprise SOC, a hacker conference, or a military mission, we have you covered!

Getting attacked by a new piece of malware?
Bad guys using a new exfiltration technique?
No problem, we can build a challenge for that!
Whatever your needs, we can create custom content to ensure your team is ready to meet the threats of tomorrow, today.
Our 4 step content creation process:
Step 1) Analyze
Our team is made up of expert hackers and security researchers in the field, and we can develop custom learning experiences to meet your training needs. We’ll collaborate to identify your needs, and our personnel are cleared at any security level for sensitive topics.
Step 2) Design
Using the information we gather, we will draft a sample challenge set for your approval. At this stage we can modify content based on your parameters and begin to draft supplemental training materials.
Step 3) Develop
Once approved, we build out the components to create the content and all accompanying resources (network traffic, complex diagrams, video/voice content, vulnerable systems, etc.) We develop content in-house to ensure data privacy.
Step 4) Implement
Once the content is complete and approved, we then deploy it to your environment. During this period we will follow up with any training and material review required to ensure you are able to move ahead with the new content as planned.
Our commitment to ALL customers regarding new content
Aries customers don’t have to purchase new custom content packages to get new content on a regular basis. Our platform receives quarterly content updates based on the changing cyber landscape and our customers’ feedback.
Every customer has the option to designate a subject matter expert (SME) to become part of our content input team. As a part of this process, each customer describes what new content they would like to see, and our team adds those ideas to our development list. Suggested content that can help all Aries customers has a very good chance of getting on the list.
Crowdsourced Content – Shared solutions save money!
We believe that if your organization needs a particular type of content or challenge, many others are likely to have the same need. As an incentive to encourage organizations to participate in this process, we make the cost of custom challenge creation low compared to the rest of the industry. Once developed, this content is then added to the product for all to use. More organizations participating in crowdsourcing content means more content for every Aries Security customer. It’s a win-win no matter how you look at it.
DEF CON challenges!
That’s right, you read it correctly. Each year a team made up of Aries Security staff and experts from the hacking community spend hundreds of hours developing the most challenging content in the world for the DEF CON hacker conference. This content is used multiple years in a row to ensure that quality challenges and training are delivered to the hacking community. IThe Aries Security range platform is used in Capture The Packet, Packet Inspector and Packet Detective. We use this process to beta-test content as well as fix any bugs we may find. Once a challenge has been thoroughly tested and meets our standards for quality content, new content is added to the product for customer use.
Custom Development Example
(US Navy)
Within the Navy, a system called the Job Qualification Record or JQR is used to ensure that each individual can prove they have the skills needed to do their job. The Navy’s Cyber Mission Force has a work role to ensure analytic expertise in network traffic. To assist in this process, our team developed several challenges to meet their needs. The following challenges are ones that we are allowed to list publicly:
3.2.1 Decrypt captured SSL traffic in Wireshark/Tshark given a private key
3.2.2 Identify PowerShell Empire Command and Control Activity
3.2.7 DNS Tunnel
3.2.11 SMB Exfiltration

The JQR uses proficiency codes to determine knowledge. Our challenges were able to help qualify a number of sailors as “HIGHLY PROFICIENT”.
Here are a few things our Navy customer said about our custom content:
“They were able to create content that met our mission specifications down to the smallest detail. By hooking up our mission kit to the Aries Appliance, we can train like we fight”
“It was unreal how fast they created the content“
Contact Us Today, Defend Better Tomorrow.
Aries Security wants to help you prepare for tomorrow’s cyber threats. Our experienced and knowledgeable staff is here to guide you through the process of setting up your event, building your content or installing your range. Contact us today.