Onsite Solutions
We are your total event solution
The Aries Security team has almost two decades of experience managing events with attendee numbers ranging from 10 to over 10,000. Over the years, our team has built every style and format of event imaginable. We specialize in running interactive impactful events in the following formats:
These events are designed to take groups of any skill level and provide exercises and training designed to upgrade their skills or teach them new ones. This event type is perfect for training staff on new and emerging threats, cross departmental training, and overall skill assessment. With our administrative back end, we can provide in-depth reporting for management and leaders and provide CPEs for all participants.
This style of event is great for groups interested in seeing how much they’ve improved over time, or in showing off in friendly competition. We can tailor challenge sets based on your group’s skill level, or provide our DEF CON style approach of throwing our toughest challenges out and seeing how far up the ladder your teams get. This style is how we approach bigger shows like DEF CON and the Code Blue Security Conference in Japan.
Team Building
The perfect choice for corporate events, providing a tailored blend of educational and competitive functions. As with all our events, we can customize activities to align with your company culture, help bring staff together with fun and informative exercises, and provide you with insights on how to keep up momentum after the event.
Instructor Led Training
Our instructors bring years of experience to the table, and are able to provide both on-site and virtual training on a variety of topics.
All the moving parts you need
Aries Security has been building events for decades. This has given us a wide range of expertise and staff to provide you the best event experience possible. Below are some of our more popular offerings, with enough content to run solo or in combination to make each experience unique:

Capture The Packet
CTP is our main product. This suite gives us the ability to customize a unique set of challenges for you. Featured at DEF CON, Code Blue, LayerOne and more. Feel free to check out our features page here for more information.

Packet Inspector
One of two specialized deployments of CTP with a targeted difficulty intended for beginners. When presented as part of an event, we provide staff with experience in training beginners.

Packet Detective
Our second specialized CTP deployment, Packet Detective is our “medium difficulty” offering designed for quick learning beginners or intermediate players. As with Packet Inspector, we provide staff to help train beginners.

Wall Of Sheep
Our legacy event and fan favorite, the Wall of Sheep is an interactive look at how poor security practices leave us vulnerable. Players will learn how information such as logins and passwords are transmitted and captured in real time.

Sheep City
A fun look into the security of the Internet of Things. Here players can interact with real world IoT devices and cause havoc on a local network. Staff is present to help players explore tips and exploits for some of today’s most popular smart home devices.

Sheep Hunt
This event is a real world scavenger hunt, hacker style. Players are armed with tracking antennas and set loose on the event floor to track down hidden wireless beacons.

Lock Gauntlet
A perfect event for players wanting to learn physical penetration testing or improve their existing skills. Lock Gauntlet provides locks ranging from beginner to near impossible for players to try and beat in time attack style.

Tamper Evident
We show players what to look for in tampered documents by learning the tricks first hand. In this event, we build custom packages with all manner of tamper-evident devices, then grade contestants on their ability to get in and out unnoticed.

Our educational team has experience giving interactive workshops on the most sought after topics in the industry today, including zero day threats, app security, network OS, Fleet/OSQuery and honeypots.

Making network cable is fun… but what if it was also a time trial! In this event, players have to put their cabling skills to test while making cables and bridging connections on a live patch wall.
Everything you need in one resource
At Aries Security, we can build the perfect weekend event, one day presentation, or week long training camp from our specialized offerings. This puts us head and shoulders above the rest in our ability to provide targeted, educational content anywhere in the world.
Give your event impact
Aries Security can help you create memorable award material. We have artists and merchandisers who are experienced and motivated to bring you the best. For over a decade our team has worked to take merchandising, awards and event site decoration to the next level.
Our services are available to help add that extra flair to your next event and give your team something truly special to remember.

Global Experience
Aries Security has experience standing up successful event around the globe. We have been focused on crafting exceptional experiences in the information security industry for over a decade. No matter the size or scope of your event, we’re here to take it to the next level.
The Best at running events
We have organized events at most major conferences around the country and the world. Here are a few of the shows you can find us at throughout the year:
The professional touch
We have pinpointed the three main areas where organizations need help the most, and we have a fast and easy system for capturing your requirements and executing your vision:
We plan the event with you, gathering information about what topics you want covered and which activities you plan on hosting. These discussions may extend to handling location, catering, merchandise and marketing as needed.
Once we have your key items, our staff starts working on content setup, procurement, and site design. We will stay in contact with you during this process to ensure everything meets your standards.
Now that the event details are finalized, our staff will be on-site to take care of things. We handle all activities, awards, catering and entertainment so you can be in the experience with your team rather than handling hosting duties.
Contact Us Today, Defend Better Tomorrow.
Aries Security wants to help you prepare for tomorrow’s cyber threats. Our experienced and knowledgeable staff is here to guide you through the process of setting up your event, building your content or installing your range. Contact us today.